Food Assistance

Fresh, local and healthy food should be available to all people, regardless of their means. Food assistance programs help build bridges to greater food security and improved nutrition for lower-income individuals and families. Read below for more details on each program.

Our printable ‘Free & Low-Cost Food Guide‘ is available here. This guide is updated Quarterly by the Food Security Coalition.

An interactive map with most regional food assistance resources is also available here.

Federal Assistance

WIC (Women, Infants and Children)

Provides healthcare and nutrition assistance to low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women and infants under the age of five.

In Oregon: Oregon Health Authority

In Washington: Washington State Department of Health

SNAP/ EBT (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)

The program formerly known as food stamps provides supplemental benefits to eligible individuals and families

Find out if you might qualify for SNAP here.

In Oregon: Department of Human Services

In Washington: Department of Social and Health Services

Discounts and Vouchers at Local Farmers Markets / Farm Stands

SNAP / EBT Match

Most farmers markets in the Gorge accept SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. Gorge Grown offers SNAP customers an extra $10 free when they use their benefits at market. Stop by the info booth (orange tent) for more information.

Using SNAP at the market is easy!

See a full list of participating Gorge markets here.

WIC & Senior Vouchers

Provides families and seniors an additional source of nutritious food and education on selecting and preparing fresh produce.

In Oregon: Farm Direct Nutrition Program

In Washington: Farmers Market Nutrition Program

Veggie Rx

Gorge Grown’s Veggie Rx is a fruit and vegetable prescription program that provides individuals and families with vouchers to use at farmers markets and participating grocery stores. Find more info here.

To enroll, ask your healthcare provider about Veggie Rx.

Power of Produce (POP) Club

Gorge Grown Farmers Markets offer a free $2 token to the first 20 kids to visit the market info booth (orange tent). With POP tokens, kids can purchase their own fruits or vegetables from a local farmer

Gorge markets offering POP: Hood River Farmers Market, Mercado del Valle, Mosier Farmers Market, Stevenson Farmers Market, The Dalles Farmers Market, White Salmon Farmers Market.

Veggie Rx

Gorge Grown Veggie Prescription Program

Gorge Grown’s Veggie Rx is a fruit and vegetable prescription program designed to address food insecurity and increase intake of fresh produce.

Some doctors may be able to prescribe you “Veggie Rx”. With Veggie Rx, you can get boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables or coupons to buy fruits and vegetables.

If you are a healthcare provider interested in offering Veggie Rx to your clients, please contact

Food Banks / Pantries

These food pantries provide groceries to those in need of emergency or occasional food assistance.

In Hood River County

FISH Food Bank– Serving Hood River County with several locations: Hood River, Cascade Locks, Odell, Parkdale

Hood River Valley Adult Center

Seventh Day Adventist Pantry

In Klickitat County

Washington Gorge Action Programs (WGAP)– Serving Klickitat County with several locations: Goldendale, Klickitat, and Bingen

Lyle Good Food Pantry

In Skamania County

In Wasco County

CGCC Chinook Campus Pantry, The Dalles

Dufur School Pantry, Dufur

Salvation Army Food Pantry, The Dalles

Mosier Pantry, Mosier

Lift Raft Pantry, Maupin

Wamic Pantry, Thygh Valley

Windy River Gleaners, The Dalles

Celil0 Village Food Drop, for Celilo Village residents, tribal members and fishers

In Sherman County


Gleaning is simply the act of collecting excess fresh foods from farms, gardens, farmers markets, grocers, restaurants, or any other sources in order to provide it to those in need.

Columbia Gorge Gleaning

An organization that coordinates the collection fresh fruits and vegetables that would normally go to waste from backyard fruit trees, public and private orchards and backyard gardens. The produce recovered is donated to hunger relief groups across the Columbia Gorge region. Find more info here.

Goldendale Gleaners

A gleaning organization serving the greater Goldendale community. Find contact information for this group here.

Skamania Gleaners

The Gleaners’ purpose is to unite those with surplus food with community members in need of fresh produce. Find more information here

A non-profit organization that gleans from local stores and orchards to give to low-income households. Find contact information for this group here.

Windy River Gleaners

An organization that provides food to everyone who comes in the door. Find more contact information for this group here

Community Gardens

The Gorge is home to a handful of community garden spaces that allow members to plant and grow their own fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Central Gorge Community Garden Network

Find an interactive map of community gardens in the Gorge here.

OSU Extension Master Gardeners

Master Gardeners are trained volunteers, educated through OSU Extension Service to offer the local community gardening information and education opportunities. Ask a gardening question and find about upcoming events here.

Food for Children

Free and Reduced Lunch

Some school-aged children from families with lower incomes can get free school breakfast and lunch. Schools send home forms to apply at the beginning of each school year. You can also apply any time during the year. To do this, contact your child’s school to ask for a form to apply.

Apply and learn more here.

Summer Meal Programs

Summer food service programs provide meals to children during the summer when school is not in session. Community summer meal programs are typically open to all families and don’t ask for any paperwork.

Find summer meals in Oregon here.

Find summer meals in Washington here.

Backpack Programs

Children can get food on Fridays to take home for the weekend. Contact your child’s school to learn more.

Power of Produce (POP) Club

Gorge Grown Farmers Markets offer a free $2 token to the first 20 kids to visit the market info booth (orange tent). With POP tokens, kids can purchase their own fruits or vegetables from a local farmer.

Gorge markets offering POP: Hood River Farmers Market, Mercado del Valle, Mosier Farmers Market, Stevenson Farmers Market, The Dalles Farmers Market, White Salmon Farmers Market.

Resources for Seniors

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels America is the oldest and largest national organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation.

Find various locations in the Gorge here.

Community Meal Sites

The Area Agency on Aging contracts with various sites in our community to provide free meals to seniors. Find eligibility requirements and a list of sites here.

Farmers Market Nutrition Program / Farm Direct Nutrition Program Vouchers

Provides seniors an additional source of nutritious food and education on selecting and preparing fresh produce. Most farmers markets in the Gorge accept these vouchers and many offer incentive programs to FDNP/ FMNP customers.

In Oregon: Farm Direct Nutrition Program (FDNP)

In Washington: Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)

Power of Produce (POP) Club

White Salmon Farmers Market offers a free $4 in tokens to seniors that attend the market to purchase fruits or vegetables from a local farmer. Just stop by the information booth to learn more.